
Different Types Of Mulch To Consider For Your Landscape

Choosing the right mulch is crucial when it comes to maintaining a beautiful and healthy landscape. Mulch not only adds aesthetics to your garden but also has numerous practical benefits, such as conserving moisture, suppressing weeds and improving soil fertility. This post explores some of the different types of mulch you can consider for your landscape, including various types of wood, crushed rock, mushroom and sand. Wood Mulch Wood mulch, made from shredded bark or wood chips, is one of the most popular and widely used options. Read More 

4 Things to Know Before Buying Mulch

Mulch is an important part of any home landscaping plan. If you are new to mulching, there are a few things you need to determine before you begin to install it in your yard. 1. Type  Mulch comes in two primary options -- organic or mineral. Organic mulch can be as simple as compost, or it may be made of wood chips such as from eucalyptus. These organic mulches are used in perennial and annual beds alike, but they do need to be refreshed annually because they decompose. Read More 

Key Factors Affecting the Choice of a Mulch Delivery Spot

Mulch delivery services are crucial if you plan to landscape your lawn. It is particularly the case if you have a busy schedule and can only spare a few hours over the weekends. Unfortunately, too many homeowners do not think about what will happen once a delivery truck arrives. If you do not prepare well and designate a spot for mulch delivery, you risk affecting your load's quality. This article highlights factors that determine the choice of a mulch delivery spot. Read More 

Four Reasons To Cover Your Garden Beds With Mulch

A beautiful lush garden provides a welcome retreat from a hectic day; just sitting among foliage and flowers evokes a calming vibe. However, sometimes the plants need additional help. Here are three reasons to consider spreading mulch across your garden beds. Reduces Weeding Chores For many people, weeding is not a favoured activity. Getting on your knees to pull out endless weeds is not that creative nor enjoyable. Mulch provides a simple solution—it covers the soil and inhibits weed growth so you can express yourself by planting and landscaping or else through merely lounging in your backyard. Read More 

Hydroponic gardening tips | Must have supplies for indoor gardening

Hydroponic gardening is becoming a popular activity in today's world. You can grow your plants in a limited space and still have them achieving their full potential. However, you have to know exactly what your plants need at any time. If you're thinking of starting such a business, then here are some of the supplies and tools you need to have for a successful project. PH test kits These are perhaps the most important supplies you'll have to get from your nearest hydroponic store. Read More